The North Carolina Retired School Personnel (NCRSP) is a division of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) and represents thousands of retired educators. Members of NCRSP include retired school system employees, both certified and non-certified. NCRSP is organized into 10 geographic regions.
Region 7B Officers 2023-2025
Director-Dr. Oliver Johnson (Johnston)
Associate Director-Dr. Wanda Dawson (Pamlico)
Past Director-Jacqueline Green (Wayne)
Secretary-June Merrill (Carteret)
Treasurer-Robert McLean (Onslow)
2023-2025 Committee Chairpersons
Community Service-Cynthia Heath (Beaufort)
Communications-June Merrill (Beaufort)
History-Jacqueline Green (Wayne)
Hospitality-Marva Brown (Lenoir)
Membership-Kathy Drew (Wayne)
Legislative-Jackie Wooten (Carteret)
Quality of Life-LaVeta Weatherington (Pitt)
Recognition-Marie Freemen Barber (Beaufort)
The local units that form Region 7B:
Beaufort ​ Carteret
Jones Lenoir
Onslow Pamlico